AGA Gas Flow Calculator for Windows is 100% free to use and has been verified against the AGA Test cases to ensure accuracy.
Version 1.1 is now available, with the added reporting features users can capture flow information and print reports instantly. We also give our users the option to save the reports to a word format and edit the reports to their requirements.
Users must upgrade to .NET 4.5 before Installing the Flow Calc Software.
Click Below For SCADACore AGA Flow Calculator For Windows.

SCADACore Flow Calc For Window is separated into three groups:
- the basic group is the commonly changed flow parameters that will be unique to each test.
- The Advanced group will rarely be changed once the parameters are set.
- The Gas composition Group is enabled when the “Use AGA8 Composition Calculation is checked.
Setting files can be saved and reused to help users quickly return to a field that has the same or similiar gas compositions to a previous calculation.

The “Use AGA8 Composition Calculation” will enable the Gas Composition Pull-down and allow the user to enter gas compositions for the well to calculate the specific gravity and compressibility factors.
Easy unit changes allows users to use both metric and US/Imperial to perform calculations.

The Advanced Settings of the AGA Gas Flow Calculator for Windows are parameters that are rarely changed in day-to-day operations and can generally remain hidden from the user.
When the “Use AGA8 Composition Calculator” checkbox is selected the Compressibility window will be disabled since the AGA8 gas compositions will calculate the necessary compressibilities.

SCADACore AGA Gas Flow Calculator for windows provides 21 different gases to input.
Gases must total 100% for the calculation to be successfully performed.
The report dialog allows users to enter test information for each report generated
The scadacore Report Viewer Generates a report for all the gas compositions as well as base flow settings and current flow settings.
The report can be quickly printed or saved as a word document to allow users to edit the report to their custom template.

Want to know more?
Contact the SCADACore to find out more about our remote monitoring and complete IIoT turnkey solutions.