Configuring Sierra Wireless Modems For Serial Pass Through
When interfacing with remote devices via cellular modems the cell modem essentially acts as a serial bridge. From your computer over the internet to the Internet to the remote device. [...]
Modbus Function Codes
Most SCADA Integrators and users of modbus are familiar with the X0001 format for modbus registers, However, the true modbus standard is not simply one number it is a function code + [...]
Configuring Microhard Modems For Serial Pass Through
Microhard Corp makes some of the best M2M products on the planet. Configuring your modem for serial pass through is relatively easy and straight-forward. SCADACore offers Microhard modems as an option [...]
Hidden Hardware Flow Control
When developing software interfaces to serial devices the first step is always to get the device talking. With so many variables it can be incredibly frustrating when the application you [...]
Calculating Daylight Hours By Latitude For Solar Panel Sizing
Calculating Daylight hours by latitude is essential for properly sizing a battery box and solar panel. There are several other factors that play significant roles in calculating power needed, however, [...]
Average Wind Direction And Wind Speed
The following blog will help give programmers a simple formula for average wind direction and speed. Here is an excel sheet with all averaging examples First a disclaimer: I am [...]
The Trouble with Endians
Finding the correct Endian (bit significance) can be frustrating when trying to interface with a device. It’s an additional variable that makes debugging a hardware interface more difficult and can lead [...]
Emerson Floboss PID Control
After dealing with some problems with a process control feedback loop or proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID) I thought it would be helpful for other people going through the same problems. We [...]
Flow Calculator For Windows Update
SCADACore has released version 1.1 of AGA Gas Flow Calc For Windows. The new release features a flow report generator that allows users to input specific test information and save or print the AGA Flow [...]
Oil & Gas SCADA
SCADACore's Oil & Gas SCADA solution allows our clients to connect to their field operations, anytime, anywhere. SCADACore Live provides enterprise monitoring features such as multi-line trending, alarm callouts, wide-array of industrial device support, and more. [...]