SCADACore Live Release Notes
SCADACore Live is constantly being updated to add new features and enhance your experience. Read about the latest updates right here.
Latest Release Notes
Version 1.8.7 (Jun 7, 2024)
Improved dashboard hierarchy in Shared Side Menu
Added Linked User to allow multi-company users to view data for all the companies that the user has access to
Added support for Linked Users in the Master Side Menu hierarchy
Added functionality for DLog Well Test
Improved Enron Modbus for SCANNER 2000
Version 1.8.6 (Dec 10, 2023)
Various usability UI improvements: Forgot Username/Password on Login Page
Fixed a minor issue with Plunger History and added Cycle Times
Improved Search Bar functionality for SCADACore Live Android Mobile App
Various improvements to 3D HMI and 2D HMI
Added animation system, raycast and object outlines to 3D HMI / Digital Twin VR
Version 1.8.5 (Jun 7, 2023)
Overwatch Engine added to assist in server monitoring
Optimize Call Lists
Added checkboxes for comparing multiple Pump Cards
Added EIP Control Logix
Minor changes to handle TEXT and ENUMERATIONS
Added Macros for Alarm Callouts to provide dynamic text to user based on Sensor Name, Location Name, etc
Version 1.8.1 (Jan 18, 2023)
Minor fix to 2FA functinality on iOS
Added Sparkplug driver
Improvement on NCALC for 32-bit
Added support for Gauges (Dyanmic SVG) for HMI Live
Version 1.8.0 (Oct 26, 2022)
Added 2FA Functionality
Improved Modbus32 Read
Fixed a minor issue with EChart polling
Added validation when a callout user is edited
Expanded Permissions/Roles system to provide more granular user access
Added Events and Events editor onto real-time charting
Expanded Wireless Links Piccolo parsing and event types
Changed materials to render on one-side on 3D HMI, and added check-box for double-side