Heat Stress Monitor Package
Protect your employees from heat exhaustion and heat stroke with the SCADACore Heat Stress Alarm Station Package. Providing Heat stress safety to all employees with local and siren and beacon and real-time remote alerts to supervisors and industrial hygienists. This system provides temperature, humidity, heat-index, WBGT and more to ensure workers are not effected by long-term heat exposure.
Heat stress can be often over-looked when compared with immediate on-site safety threats. The SCADACore Heat Stress Alarm Station takes the guess work out of heat exhaustion allowing administrators to set thresholds to allow workers to take extra breaks or consume more liquids. The Heat Stress Alarm Station allows for alarms on high level temperature, humidity, heat-index and WBGT. Emails and Text messages can be sent to workers that are out of range of audible and visible alarms of the alarm station.
Heat Stress Monitor Package with IIoT Live
Online heat-stress monitoring takes the manual work out of the monitoring process. There are no thermometers or hygrometers to manual check and notify staff. Using the intelligent Email / SMS / Voice callout system, alerts can be sent to dozens of individuals at once, notifying them of precautions that need to be taken.
Current & Historical Conditions
Current conditions are color-coded and historical data are displayed for simple, convenient access.

Alarm Notifications
Escalating callouts allow administrators to set Email, Text, or Voice alerts for specific groups of people at specific heat levels. This allows foremen and supervisors to be alerted before employees when levels are elevated but not necessarily dangerous. Further escalation in temperature levels can alert employees or contractors on-site.
Heat Stress Alert Notification
SCADACore Callout Notification for Heat Stress Monitoring

Trending and Data Archival
Charts allow foremen, supervisors, and industrial hygienists to identify times of the day when heat stress can be dangerous to the employees.

Heat Stress Applications

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