Health & Safety Remote Monitoring
SCADACore’s Health and Safety Monitoring provides real-time monitoring for Personal Protective Equipment and Hazardous Gas Monitoring.
SCADACore’s Health and Safety Monitoring helps companies keep their employees safe with real-time monitoring of hazardous gas and PPE auditing system to ensure correct operating procedures for personal gas detectors.
SCADACore can design custom web applications that can be used by residents, townships, and companies to give themselves and their stakeholders peace of mind. Real-time callouts can alert onsite staff and residents of potential health concerns quickly and efficiently.
Heat Stress Monitor – 3M QUESTemp Remote Monitoring System
SCADACore’s Heat Stress Monitor provides remote monitoring for warehouses, factories, outdoor labor, shipping yards, or anywhere where heat and humidity could potentially be a health concern.
Sound Level Monitor – 3M SoundPro Remote Monitoring System
SCADACore’s sound level monitoring solutions are used on mining sites, quarries, oil and gas drilling sites, construction sites, and more.
Air Particulate Monitor – 3M EVM3 / EVM 7 Remote Monitoring System
SCADACore’s Cloud-Ready combines particulate remote monitoring, air quality remote monitoring, and gas detection in a single system.
Cloud-Ready Applications