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The Modbus Slave Simulator can duplicate radio networks or IP based networks and allow programmers to quickly run through test cases with real-time register changes.

SCADACore’s Modbus Network Slave Simulator is an essential tool for any SCADA Host Programmer or Integrator.

SCADACore Gives Back With Free Modbus Network Simulator Apps.

The Modbus Network Simulator provides programmers and integrators with a test-bed that can be set up to the specifications of a modbus network they are planning on configuring.

Modbus Slave Simulator can also be used to troubleshoot Modbus hosts by allowing programmers to quickly make changes to registers trigger different states in the SCADA Host. Without the Slave Simulator programmers would have to modify the SCADA Host programmer to force it into a state or force the active slave nodes into the desired state to duplicate a faulty action.

The Slave Network Simulator can save developers hundreds of hours on a single project.

  • Change response times of remote Modbus nodes.
  • Change registers of simulated Modbus nodes in real-time.
  • Take nodes offline to simulate network failures.
  • Change bit significance (Endianism) and register types (Uint, Float, 32bit Float).


Want to know more?

Contact the SCADACore to find out more about free Modbus Tools

  • Do you need to simulate real-world failures in your SCADA Networks?
  • Do you need to change multiple slave nodes on the fly to simulate different scenarios?
  • Do you want to save follow up support calls by getting your logic right the first time?
  • Do you want to make your job easier?