Satellite Pumpjack Monitoring

Monitoring for Shutdown Control Systems

Callouts Via Text, Voice, or Email

Access Statuses and Parameters Using Desktop or Mobile App

Shut-Down Control System Monitoring

Complete Remote Monitoring Solution for Shut-Down Control Systems

Shut-Down Control System Monitoring

SCADACore Live can remotely monitor shut-down control systems such as the FW Murphy TTD.

Shut-down control systems are designed control engines, pumps, compressors and associated equipment. With SCADACore Live, you can check the status and parameters of your FW Murphy TTD anytime, anywhere.

  • Retrieves data from the shut-down control system through the RS485 or RS232 using Modbus

  • Works with shut-down control systems such as the FW Murphy TTD

  • View system parameters such as speeds, timers, and statuses using your desktop or mobile phone

  • Alarm Callout / Alarm Notifications via SMS, Email, and / or Voice Messages

  • Escalating call lists can be set up to notify available staff of shutdowns

Satellite Pumpjack Dashboard

SCADACore Live Shut-Down Control Systems Monitoring

Callout Notifications

Pumpjack Down Alarm Callout

Voice notification when the shut-down control system shuts down an engine or compressor.