Well Testing
SCADACore provides monitoring services for Two Phase Well Testing and Three Phase Well Testing.
Well Testing Monitoring
SCADACore provides monitoring to testing companies and producers looking to perform 2 and 3 phase gas and liquid tests on existing wells. SCADACore offers several options for portable monitoring and can easily interface with existing equipment.
SCADACore can quickly tie into existing testing hardware. The integration into existing hardware is a free service SCADACore provides to our service partners. SCADACore’s dashboard and analytics system can provide clients with running totals, hourly totals, daily totals, and monthly totals for gas and liquid flow. Three phase monitoring will separate the condensate from the water giving a clear view of the wells production. With the included export service SCADACore can automatically update field production software.
SCADACore Live Overview

The SCADACore Live Dashboard summary page allows users to quicly view the status of the current and archived well tests. The easy to navigate summary grid gives users a view of the current conditions of the active Tests.
Graphs will display the latest data in graph form.
If there are multiple active units a Map view can give a broader picture of the tests.

The Chart Dashboard summary will give a quick view of the latest data retrieved from the remote well testing unit. Charts can be quickly exported to PDF or picture file.
Clicking on the title will bring up a historical summary page.

- The live data view of the gives the user a real-time view of the current state of operations for the test.
- Poll buttons are available to retrieve instant data
- Export to Excel, CSV, or PDF
- Change units and chart spans to your personal preference
- Chart is interactive and can be zoomed in to view a specific time span.

The dashboard also provides a quick view of multiple well tests. The two phase well testing is perfect for understanding the pipeline dynamics. With the additional of an Analog Valve production can be increase or decreased for each of the wells to help improve output throughout the entire field.
Four intuitive pricing models will meet all your monitoring needs
- Daily Reports
- Twice Daily Alarm Checks
- Daily Email Exports
- Daily GPS Updates
- No Demand Polls
- Hourly Reporting
- Real-Time Alarms Available
- Writable Control Points
- Hourly GPS Updates
- Up To 10 Demand Polls Daily
- 10 Minute Reporting
- Real-Time Alarms Available
- Writable Control Points
- 10 Minute GPS updates
- Up to 20 Demand Polls Daily
- 5 Second Reporting
- Real-Time Alarms
- Writable Control Points
- 1 Year Data Retention
- Real-Time GPS Tracking
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