SCADACore’s release 1.2 of Admin tools and Report Live Dashboard brings new, feature-rich menus, even faster load times for charts, and easier call-out configurations.
UI Features
New side menu slide-out allows users to view all dashboards alphabetically:

New and improved location search lists all locations in the search bar and provides a filter to narrow down locations by a search criteria:

Entering a location title will immediately filter the location list to the correct location:

Improvements to the callout configuration shows at-a-glance what alarms are set up and which alarms are active with assigned call-lists. Communication alarms are separated from the sensor alarms to simplify the alarming UI:

New alarms now have preset configurations for High/Low, Equal To Zero, or Other. Allowing users to set up an alarm in seconds:

Call-list setup shows at-a-glance which users are assigned to what time of callout (Email, SMS, or Voice). There is also an additional Active or Inactive section to show which users are currently on-call:

Drivers and Device Support
New drivers were added for our ViaCell-100 to interface with the APG MNU Ultrasonic tank level sensor:

ViaCell-100 driver interface to the APG Submersible Level PT-500:

SCADACore’s new product, ViaSat-10, provides Vibration and Digital Switch Monitoring. ViaSat-10 is now interfaced with SCADACore providing Remote vibration monitoring for pumpjacks, compressors, and other remote devices.

Improved historical averaging for high resolution charting. High-resolution data (1 minute or less) has improved averaging algorithm for fast initial loading of the chart.

More granular permissions allows or prevents read-only users from viewing or changing callouts. To allow users to view and change callout configurations, add the RL_AlarmConfig to the user permissions